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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Cookie Weight Loss Plan - Combine the Cookie Diet With a High Fiber Diet to Lose Fat Fast

Thirty years ago a doctor created the cookies in the Cookie Diet. The high protein cookies were use to help control your appetite. These same cookies are use in the Cookie Diet. On this diet you will eat three cookies for breakfast and three cookies for lunch. For dinner you eat chicken, fish or lean meat with one serving of vegetables. This diet is good for short term weight loss. If you want to lose a few pounds fast, follow this diet. For long term weight loss follow a high fiber diet for permanent fat loss.

The Cookie Diet should only be use for short term weight loss because this diet does not have the recommended daily vitamins and minerals. This diet is also very low in fiber. Without enough fiber in your diet you will not eliminate waste from your system. The Cookie Diet plan does not teach you what foods and exercises to do for permanent fat loss. Without changing your long term eating habits you will gain the weight back.

For a long term weight loss program follow a high fiber diet. Fiber foods make you feel fuller and eliminate waste from your system. Good sources of fiber products include fruit and vegetables, whole grain products, nuts, seeds and beans. For protein include chicken, fish or lean meat. On a fiber diet plan you will eat six small meals a day. The meals are space three hours apart. You can use the cookies from the Cookie Diet for two of these meals and to control your appetite. The protein in the cookies with keep you from getting hunger.

Drink eight glasses of water everyday to help with permanent fat loss. Dehydration will keep you from burning fat. Keep yourself hydrated so your liver can metabolize stored fat for energy.

It is also important to include some type of exercise to help burn fat. Weight resistance exercises will tone and strengthen your muscles. Walking, jogging and swimming will improve blood circulation. Exercise a minimum of three days a week, 30 minutes a day.

The Cookie Diet is a good way to lose a few pounds fast. For long term weight loss follow a high fiber diet. Use the cookies from the Cookie Diet to control hunger and for a meal replacement. Combining the two diets, drinking a lot of water and doing weight resistance exercises will give you permanent fat loss.

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